Monday, August 8, 2011

and it begins! Marty's take

WOW! I have a son! This is crazy. When we had Olivia the surprise was around having a girl, as typically the ratio boy/girl in Korea is about 80/20. This time we were pretty certain that we would be getting a referral for a November/December, not just 2 weeks after submitting our file.
Once the shock was gone, and after looking at the pictures as well as the details we got from Korea detailing "a day in William's world" we understood and realized that 2 weeks was a long time! Let's just say that temperament wise him and his sister will have a field day keeping papa and maman busy! As they say a match is a match!

When we decided (after thinking long and know Olivia is like having 2 kids at the same time! (only Mich and Mike can disagree on this;-)) to have a second one; we obviously wanted two for us, but as well we felt that Olivia deserved a sibling. But the feeling after we got the call was totally unexpected and amazing. For the first time in my life I felt complete, whole.

We are now running around to lawyers, finishing government papers preparing our little send away gift as he awaits our arrival and our first meeting. As mentioned previously, he won't like us very much the first time he sees us, but I can already hear his big sister saying...."it's ok baby, no crying...maman baby is crying! it's ok".

I can't wait having him and Olivia be together, she already greets him when she sees his picture in the morning.

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