Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When you wish upon a star...

What a weekend.  Another personal best for Marty in his Goofy Challenge.  I have to say...it was quite an experience and as a spectator it sounds quite idiotic to run a half-marathon on Saturday then a full marathon the next day in record breaking temperatures.  Oh..I don't mean the heat. It was cold!  SO SO cold. Brrr..just thinking about it.  But..in the end the sun came out and we went over 0 degrees with the wind chill.  :0P  But it's DISNEY, and things are always magical at Disney.

Anyways..despite the frigid temperatures...every minute I was there, I was wishing Olivia was there with us. Mind you, I don't think we would have trekked down to see the start of the race. It was way too early. They did this because during the course of the run you would get to run through Magic Kingdom and some of the other parks before it opened. For a Disney enthusiasts, that was pretty cool for us.  I was thinking how would I have bundled Olivia up and prepared her to see her daddy run in the race.

For years we imagined having our kids at the finish line cheering their dad along. We've been to many races where the dad or mom would run the last few feet with their little one alongside of them or holding them while they cross the finish line. Go DADDY GO! It was cute to see. How excited these kids were to see their mom or dad in a race to the finish line.  Hearing the crowds of people cheer the person the admired and love the most on. I wondered how Martin would feel seeing Olivia at the finish line. Pretty exciting.  Then I realized there would be 3 hours before the finish line "excitement" where I would have to keep her entertained.  YIKES!  I guess it's all worth it in the end. :0)  But...I'm sure the first Martin does a race with Olivia there will be amazing.  Maybe if we wish upon a star tonight, our dreams of Olivia watching her daddy race soon might come true.

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